Anima International named one of the most effective animal organisations in the world

Animal Charity Evaluators have announced the top 4 most effective organisations working to protect animals — and Anima International is one of them.

Anima International's team in 2019

If you want to support a charity which helps animals in the most effective way possible, which one should you choose? According to independent assessments conducted by Animal Charity Evaluators, Anima International should be one of your first choices. The organisation ranks as one of the top four most effective NGOs for animals in the world. 

Animal Charity Evaluators is an independent NGO based in the US with the aim of identifying which organisations do the best work for animal protection worldwide. Charities undergo a rigorous evaluation process, including extensive interviews with leadership, feedback from all staff members, in-depth financial reporting, strategy reviews and progress evaluations. Only four organisations are chosen from across the world each year as being the most effective at helping animals and in ACE’s own words — “These charities stand above the rest in terms of the quality and quantity of their work.”

The review highlights Anima International’s attention to strategy and movement building as well as our strong organisational culture and employee satisfaction as being key reasons we received the Top Charity status. We understand that we are only as strong as our employees and volunteers so we invest in their personal development and give people significant authority over their own work. When ACE received feedback from our staff they found that: 

”Nearly unanimously, respondents noted very high levels of satisfaction with their work environment and their colleagues. Many people wrote on our survey that Anima International has the best work environment they have ever experienced.”

 But who are we and what does this mean for our work? 

In short, Anima International envisions a world where animals are not treated as products. Founded in 2018 by leaders from Poland and Denmark. AI connects animal advocates from these countries as well as Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Belarus and the United Kingdom. Our intention is to make change happen for animals as quickly and effectively as possible and speed up the progress in countries where the animal protection is neglected, such as Ukraine and Russia. 

We have long supported the ideas of Effective Altruism — using evidence, reasoning and self-reflection to make sure we are doing the best job we can with the resources we have. We owe it to the animals exploited by industries around the world to be constantly learning and striving to be better. We read and study a lot. We are open to constructive criticism and admitting we made mistakes. We will change our approach if there is a better way. “But we have always done it this way” is a phrase that doesn’t exist in Anima International. 

This means we are particularly delighted that ACE has recognised that the work we do is effective — it confirms that we are on the right path. With this recognition we want to attract more supporters to our organisation and so do even more to help animals in the most effective way possible. 

If that sounds like something you want to be part of — join us in the fight. You can donate here and be sure that we will use your gift wisely to help animals.

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