We fight for the fur farming ban in the European Parliament

On 6 October, a huge inflatable fox – the symbol of the ongoing European Citizens' Initiative #FurFreeEurope – could be found outside the European Parliament building in Strasbourg. Its aim is to ban the farming of animals for fur in the EU and to ban the import of fur into the EU.

Together for a Fur-Free Europe

The event was attended by representatives of pro-animal organizations from across Europe, forming the international coalition Eurogroup For Animals. Activists holding a banner with the campaign slogan: Leave fur behind posed for photographs with a large blue fox.

Following the event outside the European Parliament, the happening moved inside. A meeting was held, attended by activists and MEPs, whom they invited. Reineke Hameleers, President of Eurogroup For Animals, spoke about the reasons why it is necessary to ban fur farming in the EU, which are summarized in a recent report prepared by EFA. There was also a screening of the new documentary SLAY, which shows the behind-the-scenes production of animal materials, including fur, around the world. The film included footage from Polish farms, provided by our activists.

Anima International's Executive Director - Kirsty Henderson 

Our chance to ban fur farming in the EU

The European Citizens' Initiative #FurFreeEurope is our chance to:

  • Ban fur farms
  • Ban farmed fur products from the European market

More than 400,000 people have already signed the initiative. We have time until 18 May 2023 to collect at least one million signatures – then the European Commission will have to consider the proposal!

To sign a European Citizens' Initiative, you need to meet three requirements:

  • be an EU citizen,
  • be over 18 years old,
  • provide a valid personal identification number – this is necessary for the signature verification process.

You can sign the initiative at: https://www.eurogroupforanimals.org/fur-free-europe

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